
2 articles

    Books about diabetes that I would like to read

    When I moved house a few months ago, I did some serious maintenance in my bookcase. The books I love moved to the ‘hall of fame’ and the less nice ones I put on sale or gave away. This means that there is now room on the bookshelf in my new house for some new books! So since I found myself a good excuse to buy new books, I started looking for books on diabetes. And I found some very interesting books that I would like to share with you!

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    Interesting books and writers for young adults

    On holidays, I usually turn into a bookworm. Last holiday in Lisbon, too, I was often to be found by the pool with a book in my hands. Since then, I’ve been getting the hang of reading again! What I like most about reading is not only that you get carried away in a story, but also that you build up a relationship with the writer and in some cases you start to appreciate the writer’s style more and more. As a result, you often find yourself wanting to read all the books by the author in question. That’s when you know you’ve got a favourite writer on your hands!

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